I have ten thousands of messages that I really want you to inject into your mind with regards to what you are feeling right now, but I prefer the best that I believe will wake you up or let’s just say will shake you tremendously and made you focus on what has to offer in the future. I mean future referring not for a long period of time but maybe the next day after you wake up from your slumber tonight.
Please excuse me if this will hurt you and thank if this will help you in another ways.
First, let me emphasize my understanding on your action of sending four of us the woman’s pictures… This means that you want somebody at your side to agree that you are indeed beautiful than she is. My evaluation upon seeing the picture is, you are really indeed most beautiful outside (I mean physically) than that woman, but let me remind you the essence in measuring of being beautiful is not only on the physical aspect of a person but it also how you carry yourself when you are most alone inside and out.
Second, May I ask you this… Have you evaluate the situation? Do not focus only on the negative aspect of one person or the other. Weigh things if you have missed something worthwhile for him to turn you down. Now, after evaluation of yourself and you can say straight on your eyes in front of a mirror that you are purely have no sense of guilt because you were always on the right track of your relationship, then, tell yourself you have something better to come. Never cry and make yourself fool because you waste your time in reaching those two stupid people to talk and clarify thing which hurts you at the end. You may say I am not credible in telling this to you but I tell you this is from my heart and based on my experiences.
Third, “boy friend; wala lang” this is what I exactly heard from you before referring to Noel when we were along Taft Ave. waiting for a ride home. We talked about boy friends and relationships in a manner of joking and you certainly uttered the words. Why don’t you think that way now? Is it because of your defense mechanism that you lost him not because you decide on it but he was? Remember acceptance make you heart feel relived! If you accept things/situations by just having those as your guide to be better person, you will indeed end up better person but if you continue to hold on the situation as if you have nowhere to run, you will never moved-on…
My advice is that… look into a better perspective of taking what destiny has to offer for you. Never be defied of what you believe in the old belief that if DuDan will marry ahead of you, you will never be wife! Take that as a challenge and as much as possible break that old belief! Crying is just an expression of being hurt but never cry too loud or too long for there is always laugher after your trouble, there is always sunshine after the rain and there is always best time to come!
Move-on! Organize a party for all of us! Treat us at Mang Inasal or ChickBoy or even at Turo-Turo, I am sure everything what’s negative thought in your mind and heart will be vanished if SPECIALLY IF YOU WILL TREAT US AT CALDA PIZZA!!!!