"with regards to ur first reply.. ry ko care tem source ngan haem.. keber ko man haem. angy reliable tem source? ngan biz pa hino ito. ry kala geap karapatan pagsurat ha public nga paka alo in which d ka sayod. angay la mgsurat kun sayod kna tlg ngan gnkuha mo na both sides. one sided kala kasi. i compare nman am background ngan tem source. how sure r u nga tnan ea gnyakan tuod?"
Again! It never comes even into my wildest reverie to have your interest so “keber ko man haem” phrase is out of context
Sources, writing in public and looking at the two sides of the story are some dogma in journalistic approach to make the concerned aware of what the writer wants to convey. As one who wrote the message, may I tell you that the source of conflict (that was YOU) always think that s/he is on good judgment. Again and again! No “criminal” accepts that s/he committed a crime! Criminals think that they are high-quality and no one reached even the same level as they are. That is how exceptional you think you are! Do I need to execute background check? What do you think?
"ikaduha nga comment mo .... sa tingin mo hino an crap? ikaw o an kano??? bga ka ngan hin basurero l ha ira... ry ko labot tem BOASTFUL N WORD. sabagay haem bubuhat yna halta na... hahahaha!"
Remember I did not compare myself to anyone because I perfectly believe and put on my heart the message of the poem “DESIDERATA”. Please let me borrow one paragraph of the said poem (“If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.”) as one proof I never did dare to compare! BOASTFUL comes from your bad mouth that is why we were on this circumstance. What I want from you was your simple explanation and acceptance of your transgression (whether in action or in words) to make things clear but “LESS I CARE ABOUT YOUR SHIT!!!” was your answer. What do you think will be the reaction of the aggrieved person? Laugh at you? Answer me in a precise manner since you are a most excellent reactor more than anybody. What do you think?
Your own assessment; I am a crap more than your foreigner. Of course that is your conviction and I won’t dare question on that! As what you’ve said you fair nothing even to God! What do you mean by this? Isn’t it you think you are more than superior of all things? Who do you think the hell are you? Is this because you found a rancid foreigner?
"third... ikaw ng ampi hin iba nga tawo. remember gn api mo tak aswa nga ry man it knalaman haem. kun tuod man it nga ten folds nakilala haem less i care... its out of the question anyway.. as what u've said. di ka tlg masurat hn makamantsa haem pgkatawo.. mgsusurat kla hin mkamantsa ha iba hin di ka sayod. PRESIDENTE ka pa nman hin wary la nbaruan. gn aaply ha daily life it nababaruan. dpat before nasurat nanginginsayod any.. dri ky KSP gud hin duro. gusto makilal on ha balilit.. hahahaha"
I don’t need to be well known in Balilit! As what you’ve said NO ONE knew me in my own birthplace. Again! You’re right in blurting it! No one knew me because I am a will believer of the saying “Silent water is clear and profound”.
Again and Again! PRESIDENT/CEO was the two magic words wherein you agitatedly reacted! I don’t care whether you have qualms or what you may call it with regard to my repute. You have NO contribution to what I am now! Who the hell are you to question my status?
Anyway, even you deny it or not you recognized what we are doing and of course me being a CEO. The number one goal of the organization we are building is to be recognized since our main business is services, entertainment, and conceptualization. Thank for the recognition. Recognition either positive or negative is still recognition. The only thing I won’t agree to is your comment of my being a person.
Attention is NOT what I am hungry for! I always have all the attention from different people I have met. What else I am asking for? I project myself as lowly as I can every time I went back to Balilit but then… here you are… is this not an attention? Look! Ms. Lizardo, my statement in regard to your persona was based on what I’ve heard from people of Balilit but have you ever heard me commented before? That’s the best example of I DON’T CARE to whoever you are! Anyway, thank you NAPANSIN MO AKO even in my simple way of projection. What more if I show you the CEO type of Cecil? Again! I am asking you. What do you think?
"with regards to the reading comprehension i'm best with it.. hahahahaha! hataas ak lupad n heto??? awh senxa la.. bangen kasi ma misunderstood mo nman.. where in u always do.. yes u may have not much time para makaistorya mo ako. anu manla it pumakiana ka em mga kaurupdan nga alaun dw pgpakiana kan crispina kun hino man it hea ky anu ngsusugad hea. pra at least naicring ko ak side ngan d na humalaba. dri gud ky kw makarit, kw kulang ha panisn. kaw nla tnan. pati best reader kaw nla.
Exemplary on reading, excellent on logical thinking, unbeatable reactor and all are best describe you! This is according to you describing yourself.
Here are some of my suggestions: 1) Go back to the first post, read and understand. 2.) Evaluate if you think logically base on your choice of words, 3.) Weigh your reasoning if it is worth to be called unbearable reactor.
Do I need to elaborate my suggestions?
"with the means of sending ur message, u can send it in private an let the balilit facebook to send it to me.. that if kun ng iisip ka hin maupy ngan mamingaw nga pangukoy.. pero ky dri.. again KSP MAN.."
You want the discussion private? How I wish you thought all this the last time you saw me! I am sure you knew me by flesh even you deny it or not! I never knew you until the time you encroach my being a person. If you have high regard on me or the other way around, why didn’t you approach me and ask something that made you confused. (As what you’ve said). I am a person whom you can talk to anything under the sun.
Go as high as you can imagine! Diri ka nga nahadlok sa Diyos! Waray ka na pagkupas! Hataas ka na kuntra sa Diyos.
IKAUPAT: how sure r u nga nangagamit ak tawo???? sabgy axa tlg it mgkitid it utak. ngan mangamit man ak tawo KEBBBEEER MO? haem my mapagamit? i dont think so.. haaaaay..gosh! napa stress pgpinatol hin may ineskwelahan kulaos.. nkaka baba ng morale.."
Love, conscience, and submission of self to one person as partner are some of true meaning of marriage not because of self indulgence. Do you think I believe in you for telling me that you marry a foreigner with these criteria without your hidden desire to CRAVE (as your word) for?
"ikalima: awh meada ngayan napatol haem? anu man nga wary mo patuli??? di ko kelangan it nga mga explanation.. as the saying goes... to see is to believe.. toy kun misay ako anu kapa kaya??? MULARAW NA.. LAOG PA..hahahaha! keber ko man tem picts?? chura nem.. buratyod ka ngane"
Please refer to my statement on the meaning of having a partner or marriage for your question why I don’t go for CRAVING (parang ice cream lang ano! haha) a foreigner.
Like what I’ve said, I don’t have to explain because I never owe you any explanation. What I am doing is to educate you. Seems that you lack of it base on your choice of words and reasoning.
I am sorry I NEVER KNEW EVERYTHING that is why I don’t know “buratyod”. For sure a person with BAD MOUTH only utters that word!
About my pictures! Go skim of it and got envy of I, me and myself being stunning.
"IKAUNOM: di ada ak nahambog udoy.. kaw ada ng una una.. nanahimik ako ikaw ng inuna.. makayakan ka bga ka hiun kairo... nkatagpo kla hin palaban nga em gn unahan axa nasugad ka heto."
WOW! Who among us that best describe a “hambog”? Isn’t it the one who said that she can beat even GOD? Are you sure you use your logical thinking in sending those messages intended for me? Just asking?
"excuse me d ak insecure haem.. ngan anu b ika insecure ko??? tem nalabaw??? shocksssss...."
What else you name it the way you did? Insecurities is within yourself! Whether you deny it or not you are INDEED INSECURE!
"tak kaisog doy inborn.. sugad geap tak kabuotan. pero tem nawong liwat.. hahahaha. chura la."
Your courage and kindness are “unquestionable”! You are really courageous and kind! Are you? hahaha
My face? Look at it and you will see the pureness of my heart and mind! That is what we call the aura worth to be insecure of .
"doy di ak gold digger... awh hala sige nala. riko nagud ak hn duro pgka gold digger. any daw ginsusubay bayan mo ako? diin ka heto nga mga term? bgat pan telenovela.. ageh karixo manla. sige sunod ky maging platinum digger n ko ngan diamond digger. sige subaybaye la ak life ha! hangan sa susunod nating pagkikita.. palaam"
Seems that you don’t understand the word Gold digger. Sounds music to your air? You think about it otherwise. This I tell you Ms. Lizardo, never inject into you mind that I am interested with the hell of your life. Put it in your mind that your life is not worth to be recognized. A rotten attitude same as yours will never be changed in just a click as camera shots.
"balit gay ka tlg. mahilig mgtalak hin dri SAYOD... maaram kun anun sayod???? maybe yes pero d mo carry buhaton.. panginsayod.."
A journalistic approach in carrying out event is one hell of my approach in dealing with this circumstance. Refer to my first comment so you won’t tell your phase in a redundant manner.
"yucksssss.. ikaw la nga maptol.. ikaw kamo pasalamat ky pinatulan ko kaw.. baklang mahadera.. bibig n bumubukaka.. puro manla mga hearsay.. panginano any udoy sano ka naywyaw.."
I perfectly knew what I am doing and what words to say. Your yucksssss mean that you think you are superior than I am. Again! Look at yourself in a mirror and you will see the picture of a hypocrite acting like powerful because of her crap foreigner.
"kun meada man CRAP nganhe world..ikaw ito.. as in totally crap.."
Yes I am totally CRAP - - - Certified Reliable And Provider. That’s how CRAP I am.
"i'm not digging any info 'bout u. it just happened that ur relative mention ur name.. arent u used to it??? being a president of a company u should welcome all the attentions... that is if......hmmm"
You don’t need to dig any info about me because my life is like an open book. You can have all the information available in regards with my whole life, activities and on.
You are right for saying that I should welcome all the attention as President of our Organization. Know what? An effective leader knew how to accept ideas and criticism in a constructive manner. What you’re doing is judging my whole being, NOT criticize me constructively! I hope you could differentiate constructive criticism between judgments.
let me remind u.. ry ada ak mgmention wealthy ako.. pero sige nala.."
Again! Go back to your statement before! You do not knew what you are saying, maybe!
"tgpira it ticket? tg piso?"
Refer to the old post if you are really exceptional in reading comprehension! This simple question of yours means a lot based on the transcripts we both posted since we start this. Is this one an example of one hell of an exemplary in reading comprehension? Again! I am just asking!
"am i intelligent??? wow.. thank u!!! sad to say i'm not.. i'm just a reactor. pero nanginsayod any..."
"awh with regards ha ak kasla.. sayod kman pirmi???? naayon tlg ak haem.. masugid ko gud kaw nga tga subaybay... sige padayuna la ito... gusto mo em kasal nla i organise.. o kaya tem mga kmag anak.."
Here you are again! The last time you post your comment you project you are indeed intelligent more than anybody base on the evaluation of your choice of words. Now you will retract and change it to a good reactor. WOW! Why don’t you go to a law school and use all your talent as good reactor so you could be prosecutor someday? Never use that talent by just reacting on a person whom you are insecure with. Oh that was just a plain suggestion but if you have idea more than what my idea was, it’s up to you! Continue to be an excellent rotten reactor.
Thank you for liking me divulging your one in a million fabulous wedding! You will indeed like me of that because I am only giving you my depiction of what happened the truth and nothing but the truth.
"you know what? we could have been friends.. though aram ak d ka intresado. but i'm serious and sincere. dpat kasi nanginsayod ka any... una malibak ba ako ha kauropdan mo? dpat kasi reliable tem source liwat. ry bahid hn ugop. kay ako titindugan ko ak gnyakan. i'll say it again..PANGINSAYOD. tapos mo pkabati my gnsugo ka unta pagpakiana akun."
I will tell you this from the core part of my heart. We will never be friends! Know what? One criterion to befriend me is A GOD FEARING individual and you have zero point on this. Never think of we will be friends. I tell you it won’t happen but anyways life is full of miracles and if one day I see you in one place that tells you really are a changed person, that will be the time I give you the benefit of the doubt.
damu n problema hin earth pra dumagdag p kita. pero kun gusto mo pa ipadayon ry n ak plan pgpatol haem.. bhla ka nla mgpadayun..."
Never plan just like what you did to me so we end up to this! Relax and reflect all what you’ve done wrong not only to me but also to your fellow. That’s the time you will see that life is beautiful!!!